Elevate Your Career With AI Job Matching

Access 1.5 million openings and gain invaluable job market insights for unparalleled success!

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Elevate Your Career With AI Job Matching

Access 1.5 million openings and gain invaluable job market insights for unparalleled success!

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Recruit Beyond Resumes

AI-Powered Hiring Revolution

AI streamlines hiring, finds perfect fits, saves your time & money.

Faster, smarter talent acquisition.

Sourcing on demand
Discover Verified professional profiles & invite them to your openings.
Team As A Service
Build the team that fits your need using out vast network
Recruitment As A Service
Automate & scale your entire recruitment process.

Large Variety of Services

This is just a simple text made for this unique and awesome template, you can replace it with any text.

Streamlined Hiring Workflow
Seamless, optimized recruitment procedure for efficiency.
Efficient Talent Sourcing
Swift and effective identification of top-tier candidates.
Enhanced Candidate Vetting
Improved, thorough assessment of potential candidates’ qualifications.
Streamlined Interview Process
Simplified and effective steps for candidate evaluation.
Get Started
Candidates Sourcing Plans

We provides you with user management functionality that results in faster development and revenue.



For Startups Up to 50 profiles

Email Integration
Fetcher Search Database
linkedIn sourcing plugin


For Mid Companies Up to 5,000 profiles

ATS integrations
Slack Integration
Free Plan Features


Unlimited Profiles

Unlimited bulk enrichments
Vendor & SOC 2 review
Growth Plan Features

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