About TalentSpace

Talentspace, A Specialist In Machine Intelligence For Matching
Supply And Demand On The Job Market

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About TalentSpace

Talentspace, A Specialist In Machine Intelligence For Matching
Supply And Demand On The Job Market

Get In Touch

Our Story

Founded in 2020, TalentSpace has grown rapidly by delivering exceptional AI-powered recruitment solutions. Our journey began with a vision to transform the job market, and today, we are a trusted partner for numerous organizations worldwide.

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Our Mission

Is to provide innovative and efficient recruitment solutions that empower job seekers and organizations. We are committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to create impactful career opportunities.

Our Mission

Is to provide innovative and efficient recruitment solutions that empower job seekers and organizations. We are committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to create impactful career opportunities.

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Our Vision

We envision a future where AI streamlines the recruitment process, making it more efficient and effective. Our goal is to become the go-to platform for AI-powered recruitment solutions globally.

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Our Core Values

Knowledge base

Discover unlimited linked Knowledge behind every occupation,Skills, with over 12 languages

Talent pool

Unlimited meaningful insights about your talents Data, so you can know your power.

Talents recruiting

Unlimited talents pipelines, Communicate , Source your talents a carouse multiple channels

Hiring Automation

From Posting to screening and shortlist ,even the interview itself will be handled Automatically 

Career development

Discover your potential / talent, career planning, find the hidden skills, and Get a your dream role

National workforce

Access the unlimited nation workforce for free , support local community , get the truth validated information

Meet Our Key Players

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Mohannad Alsouqi

Founder and CEO

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Samer Samara

Strategy Operations

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Munthir Shishani

Data Scientist